Black Desert Online Character Titles

If you are all about acquiring titles in Black Desert Online, we have a list here on Exodus with all the titles you can obtain in the game! Titles can be obtained from quests, exploring, events, combat, fishing and life skilling. Black Desert Online is a massive game with a ridiculous amount of content and obtaining in-game character titles is another way to show off your commitment to the game.

Players can earn hundreds of titles doing various objectives or just exploring the world. Most of the titles you get are permanent. Some titles are held over a period. With all the titles in the game, there will always be one you will stick with until you find a new favorite!

There are 4 categories of titles:

Title CategoriesHow to Obtain
WorldTitles obtained through quests, exploration, events and group chat.
CombatTitles obtained through combat.
LifeTitles obtained through life skills
FishingTitles obtained through fishing.

A full list of all the game titles can also be found here.

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