Welcome To Exodus!

Big news today, Exodus is starting a subscription-based forum for users of the gaming guild. Although, free for guild members, and friends of Exodus who were around with us for years will be grandfathered in to a free plan! Other players who around the world who want to participate in forum discussions and read subscription based articles will need to subscribe. We will always keep everyone up to date with all the updates, improvements and fixes that are made on exodus-gaming.com.

We will do our best to keep everyone up to date. Whether it be gaming guides, game settings for your favorite games, other helpful information and even website updates—there will always be communication! Speaking of website updates, with continuous development of the site, we created a changelog for people to view progress and development. If anyone has any suggestions or features for the website, please ask in our support forums under feature request.

Ready to start your journey?

Sign up for a forum membership and join the fun!