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Report Website Issues

Report A Issue

To report issues that relate to website features or any element on the site, you can contact us by submitting an email through our contact form. If you have GitHub, you can report an issue in our repository. Please be aware, do not report security vulnerabilities on the website to our public repo on GitHub. If you find a security vulnerability, send us an email. If you are a contributor to our private repo on GitHub, you can create an issue or a pull request about the security vulnerability.

Create an issue on GitHub

To create an issue on GitHub, you can do so by going to our public repository. Only non-security issues are allowed to be created. For example, only create issues that relate to styling, alignments and other non-security related matters. If you need help creating an issue on our repo, follow this guide.

Create a pull request on GitHub

To create a pull request in our public repo, follow this guide.

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