Introduction to Corruption Sorcerer
If you are looking for a support class with strong AoE healing and utilities, the Corruption Sorcerer may be the right choice. With the release of SWTOR 7.0, Corruption Sorcerers became even more powerful, especially in endgame content. Equipped with powerful healing abilities like Dark Infusion, Revivification and Roaming Mend, a Corruption Sorcerer is a strong single-target and AoE healing class but does less burst healing and mobility than a Bodyguard Mercenary. Corruption Sorcerers are overall a well balanced class with a playstyle that can take some time to learn and understand but very fun to play.
The playstyle of a Corruption Sorcerer is different from the other healing classes, as they rely heavily on Force management and awareness. The learning curve to achieve a formable understanding of how a Corruption Sorcerer plays is a little bit harder than Bodyguard Mercenary and Medicine Operative in 7.0 than in previous expansions because of new tree abilities. With that said, once you understand the fundamentals of a Corruption Sorcerer, they become a great fit to pair with Bodyguard Mercenaries for endgame content.
Overview of Healing
To understand how to heal as a Corruption Sorcerer efficiently and effectively, you need to learn how to manage your Force with Consuming Darkness. Consuming Darkness consumes the dark energy around you, restoring 40 Force. When using this ability, you gain Weary. Weary decreases your Force regeneration by 2 for 10 seconds and stacks up to 4 times. To avoid getting the Weary debuff when using Consuming Darkness, you should only use Consuming Darkness when having stacks of Force Surge. Force Surge improves the effectiveness of your next Consuming Darkness and stacks up to 3 times.
Are you wondering how to gain stacks of Force Surge? One of your most powerful single-target healing abilities, Innerverate, has a chance of creating stacks of Force Surge. Innerverate is a channeling ability and consumes 60 Force over its duration and as it’s channeling it ticks 10% faster. Innervervate is one of the Corruption Sorcerers most used ability because of the large amount of healing and the ability to create Force Surge. However, you should use Innervate on a target that has Resurgence applied to them to boost your chances of gaining stacks of Force Surge.
With 7.0, Resurgence became even better. Resurgence is a HoT (Heal over Time) and when using the ability on an ally, it immediately heals them plus additional heals over 15 seconds. In this new patch, you can now upgrade Resurgence in the ability tree. When you reach level 39, you will want to choose Dark Resurgence as it will make Innervervate spread Resurgence up to 4 allies within 8 meters. Also, to note, when you apply Resurgence to a target, it gives that target an armor rating increase buff for 45 seconds.
Overview of Defense
Corruption Sorcerers also had some changes to defensive abilities that were introduced in 7.0. You now would have to choose between Dark Speed, Cloud Mind and Dark Power when reaching level 27. As a Corruption Sorcerer, you would want Cloud Mind as your standard default choice. The only other ability you would use for situational instances would be Dark Speed.
More abilities to note to help with defense is Static Barrier, Force Barrier, and Unnatural Preservation. All three of these abilities can be upgraded via the ability tree at levels 51 and 64 but it’s recommended only to choose Unnatural Vigor at 64 since Surging Speed and Backlash relate to PvP. At 51, you will want Force Mobility as your standard default choice because Thundering Blast, Innverate, and Force Leech may be activated while moving. Lightning Barrier and Defiance would be used for situational instances only.
Another important ability upgrade when reaching level 73, Corrupted Flesh. This ability reduces the damage taken from all periodic effects by 15%. This ability would be your standard default choice while Emersion and Conspiring Force would be used for situational instances.
Singe-target Healing

AoE Healing

