Updated on 1/4/24
SWTOR 7.4 Bodyguard Mercenary
Edit(s) on pg. 6, recommended by Normandi
Introduction to Bodyguard Mercenary
The Bodyguard Mercenary is the top single-target burst healing class in the game. There is no doubt that if you need burst healing in high intense damage fights that tanks face, you would want a Bodyguard Mercenary in the group. The Bodyguard has an array of burst healing abilities, as well as, the ability to be extremely mobile making the Bodyguard a very reliable support class.
Although being the top single-target healing class, the Bodyguard has always been behind Operative [Medicine] and Sorcerer [Corruption] in AoE healing. With the launch of 7.0, Bodyguard Mercenaries are a little bit stronger with their AoE abilities than in previous expansions do to new ability tree specs.
Overview of Healing
If you are new to Bodyguard Mercenary, you need to remember that Supercharged Gas should be used on cooldown. It provides a 5% increase in healing for 8 seconds and it vents heat by 10 upon activation. While Supercharged Gas is active, Healing Scan has no cooldown and generates 5 less heat. With that said, Supercharged Gas is an important ability to the Bodyguard’s playstyle.
Another ability to note, Kolto Shell. Kolto Shell should be applied to the entire group. The difficult part about this ability is managing the shells when they fall off. You need to be aware of your group members Kolto Shell stacks and timing your shell applies effectively so you don’t lose EHP. If you are having a hard time managing shells, your most important shell targets would be your tanks. They should always have shells on them.
With the introduction of 7.0, Kolto Shell has 3 specialized types. In your ability tree under Combat Style, you can choose between Efficient Shells, Splashing Shells, and Shell Shield when reaching level 39. Splashing Shells is by far the most convenient and should be used as your standard default choice. Shell Shield would be used for situational instances where your group members are taking high damage, but spread far enough from each other where Splashing Shells would be pointless.
Overview of Defense
Bodyguard Mercenary also had some changes to defensive abilities that was introduced in 7.0. You would now need to choose between Hydraulic Overrides, Responsive Safeguards and Electric Dart when reaching level 68. As a Bodyguard Mercenary, you would want Responsive Safeguards as your standard default choice. The only other ability you would use for situational instances would be Hydraulic Overrides.
More abilities to note to help with defense is Energy Shield and Kolto Overload. Both of these abilities can be upgraded via the ability tree at level 64 but it’s recommended not to since you would be losing your ability to move while channeling Progressive Scan, which is far more important.
Another important ability upgrade when reaching level 27, Power Barrier. This ability will help with increased damage reduction for 2% per stack for 15 seconds and can stack up to 3 times when using Power Shot and Rapid Scan. This ability would be the only choice you would ever pick at level 27.
Single-target Healing

AoE Healing

