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To install StarParse, visit the website. After installing the program, run it and follow the install guide.

Configuring StarParse

Open StarParse, then go to File > Settings. Under the General tab, make sure the Log Directory path is set to your Star Wars: The Old Republic combat log folder. You can also set your time zone in this tab. Make sure to save settings.

After you configure your General tab, go to the Raiding tab next. In Raiding, you can join or create a group. Just fill out the name and password fields. When done, save the settings for the tab.

The next tab is the Overlays. You can keep these at default settings. However, you can adjust the settings in there to your liking.

The Timers tab contain timers for various raid bosses. You can setup timers for enrage and certain mechanics.

The last tab is the Log Upload. Under this tab, you select the server that you play on and input the guild name you are in. This is optional but if you want to represent the server and guild you are in, entering that data will be displayed on parsley. When done, save the upload settings.

Once you are done configuring the settings, you are ready to go. You can view all players stats in the parsing window of StarParse that are connected to your StarParse group or a group you joined. The parsing section is broken down with seven tabs of information.

The seven tabs are Overview, Damage, Healing, Damage Taken, Healing Taken, Combat Log, and Raid.


There are five charts of information in the Overview tab. The charts are: DPS chart, HPS chart, DPTS chart, Mine effects, and Group effects.

Damage tab

The Damage tab is a detailed overview of the damage dealt to enemies, broken down by targets and/or abilities.

Healing tab

The Healing tab is a detailed overview of the healing done to friendlies and self, broken down by targets and/or abilities.

Damage taken tab

The Damage Taken tab is a detailed overview of the damage taken from enemies, broken down by sources and/or abilities, with additional types and mitigation summaries.

Healing taken tab

The Healing Taken tab is a detailed overview of the healing received from friendlies and self, broken down by sources and/or abilities. Includes shielding abilities (absorbing damage rather than restoring hitpoints – always displayed in blue color).

Combat log tab

The Combat Log tab contains all parsed combat log events which can be filtered by:

  • Event type (toggled by checkboxes) – the Simplified option hides energy gain and lost events
  • Source and Target (selected via choice-boxes) – all detected NPCs and players are available
  • Full-text search (text input) – scans all sources, targets, abilities, effects and mitigations (use the OR keyword to enter multiple criteria, e.g. shroud OR ward).

Raid tab

The Raid tab is an overview of all members currently in the raid group and their summarized combat data.

Displaying overlays

You can display an overlay on your screen by going to Interface. You can choose what overlay you want to display via the dropdown menu. The display window can positioned anywhere on your screen by clicking the top bar and dragging.


You can display timers for boss fights that can help you be more aware of certain mechanics throughout the fight. Click on Timers on the nav menu, under the dropdown, you will see a list of operations. Hover over an operation from a submenu where you can select and/or deselect boss timers.

To display a timer, go to Interface > Combat Timers. This will provide you with an overlay where you can position it anywhere on your screen.


If you want more in depth information on StarParse, visit the website.
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