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Black Desert Online Coupon Codes (2024)

DateStatusLocationCoupon CodeDescription
12-30NA/EULAST-NAVS-EUOF-2024∙ [Event] Enhancement Help Kit IV x1
∙ Premium Elixir Box x1
∙ [Event] Western Bourbon Whiskey x3
∙ [Event] Wild Bourbon Whiskey x3
12-24NA/EUMERR-YDEA-DEYE∙ [Event] Blessing of Flame x1
12-24CONSOLEHAPP-YHOL-IDAY-2024∙ [Event] 10th Anniversary Seal x100
12-24NA/EUGIFT-FROM-DEAD-EYE∙ [Event] 10th Anniversary Seal x100
12-19NA/EUTOAN-OTHE-R10Y-EARS∙ Ancient Hammer x1
∙ Primordial Hammer x1
∙ [Event] Black Spirit Fairy Appearance Change Coupon x1
12-14NA/EUGRAT-EFUL-TENY-EARS∙ Marni’s Unstable Fuel x500
∙ 10th Anniversary Travel Kit x1
∙ Sub-weapon Exchange Coupon x1
∙ Weapon Exchange Coupon Box x1
∙ Advice of Valks (+200) x1
∙ Advice of Valks (+250) x1
∙ J’s Hammer of Loyalty x1
∙ Cron Stone x10000
∙ [Title] Friend x1
12-13NA/EUBDAD-ECAD-EADV-TURE∙ [Event] 10th Anniversary Seal x20
11-29CONSOLEAUTU-MNIS-OVER-2024∙ [Event] Crispy Roast Turkey x3
∙ Book of Training – Combat (3 Days) x1
∙ Book of Training – Skill (3 Days) x1
11-29NA/EUTHAN-KSGI-VING-2024∙ [Event] Crispy Roast Turkey x3
∙ Book of Training – Combat (3 Days) x1
∙ Book of Training – Skill (3 Days) x1
11-29NA/EU2019-4171-4860-6289∙ [Event] Marni’s Endurance Potion x3
∙ Secret Book of Florin x2
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x2
∙ [Event] Box of 10 Marni’s Unstable Fuel x1
11-23NA/EUNA10-YEAR-CONC-ERT∙ Advice of Valks (+80) x1
∙ [Event] Enhancement Help Kit II x1
∙ [Event] 10th Anniversary Seal x10
11-22NA/EUEU10-YEAR-CONC-ERT∙ [Event] 10th Anniversary Seal x10
∙ [Event] Lara’s Warm Black Tea x3
∙ [Event] Stella’s Spirit Stone x1
11-19NA/EUHAPP-YBDA-YMOS-HI∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
11-19NA/EUSURP-RISE-COMI-NGUP∙ Secret Book of Florin x3
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x3
∙ [Event] Marni’s Endurance Potion x3
∙ [Event] Box of 10 Marni’s Unstable Fuel x1
11-11NA/EUGARN-IERB-IRTH-DAY∙ Cron Stone x15
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
10-30NA/EUSPOO-KYEV-ENTG-IFT∙ [Event] Black Spirit’s Purple Die x10
∙ [Event] Black Spirit’s Orange Die x10
∙ [Event] Halloween Gosphy Cookie x2
∙ [Event] Halloween Clickety-clack Cookie x2
10-29NA/EUCPCP-CPSB-DAYP-ARTY∙ Cron Stone x15
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
10-19NA/EUARSH-ALEA-DERB-OARD∙ [Event] Elion’s Tear x5
∙ [Event] Corrupt Oil of Immortality x6
∙ Perfume of Courage x3
10-14NA/EUSWIX-IETH-INKS-BDAY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Cron Stone x15
∙ Memory Fragment x5
10-09NA/EUKYARABDAYDEBUT∙ Cron Stone x15
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Supreme Old Moon Box X1
∙ Autum Festival Box X1
∙ [Jukebox] Fox Orb X1
∙ [Event] Foxfire X2
09-14NA/EUADVENTUREINSEOUL∙ [Manor] Rain Gauge x1
09-13NA/EULOTM-LSEO-ULBE-GINS∙ J’s Special Box x2
∙ Supreme Old Moon Box x1
∙ Autumn Festival Box x1
∙ [Jukebox] Fox Orb x1
∙ [Event] Foxfire x2
08-31NA/EUJINN-AIIS-BIRT-HDAY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
08-21CONSOLEMAIN-LEAG-UE2V-2024∙ Ancient Spirit Dust X100
∙ Premium Elixir Box X1
08-12NA/EUAOSW-ITHF-RIEN-DS∙ Seal of Solare x60
08-03NA/EUHYPE-4PVP-100∙ [Event] Glory of Solare Box x3
08-03CONSOLEBLAS-IANX-MUTT-BDAY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
07-25CONSOLEBIGB-UDDY-BIRT-HDAY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
07-25NA/EUMERM-RAVE-BDAY-2024∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
07-20NA/EUMIST-YEEB-DAYP-ARTY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
07-20NA/EUZERO-DENS-BIRT-HDAY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
07-15NA/EUCHOI-CESB-DAYP-ARTY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
07-04NA/EU2024-FIRE-WORK-S∙ Big Garnier Firecracker Box x1
07-03NA/EU0703-NEWC-LASS-DOSA∙ 1000x Time-filled Black Stone
06-22NA/EUBALL-HELD-INHE-IDEL∙ [Event] Choose Your 10 Years Outfit Box x1
∙ J’s Hammer of Loyalty x2
06-19NA/EUWAKA-BDAY-GIFT-2024∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
06-14NA/EUCAAR-LCEL-EBRA-TION∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
06-14NA/EUMELO-DINI-AJUK-EBOX∙ [Jukebox] It’s My Adventure Now x1
06-12NA/EUREIS-REAL-BIRT-HDAY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
06-12NA/EUHAPP-YBDA-YANF-EELS∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
05-17NA/EUCELE-BRAT-E300-0DAY∙ [Event] Artisan’s Memory x30
∙ [Event] Enhancement Help Kit III x1
∙ [Event] Advice of Memory x3
∙ [Event] Advice of Immortality x3
∙ [Event] Advice of Safety x3
∙ [Event] Special Celerity Box x1
05-11NA/EUBLAD-ENZS-BIRT-HDAY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
05-02NA/EUGUIL-DGAL-LEYS-RACE∙ [Event] [Guild] Old Moon Guild Support Box x1
∙ Secret Book of Florin x3
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x3
04-19NA/EUFROS-TYGE-TTIN-GOLD∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
04-11NA/EUHAPP-YBDA-YTOK-ARYN∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
04-09NA/EUFREE-LOOT-RAPO-BDAY∙ Cron Stone x15
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
04-08NA/EUANDE-RSGA-LLAR-BDAY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
04-05NA/EUSILV-ERMO-ONME-MORY∙ [Event] Azure Dragon Wish Lantern x20
∙ [Event] New Year Wish Lantern Set A x2
∙ [Event] New Year Wish Lantern Set B x2
04-05NA/EUERIY-ANSB-IRTH-DAYY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
04-01NA/EUFIND-THEE-ASTE-REGG∙ [Event] Rainbow Flondor Goose Egg x1
∙ [Event] Raindrop Flondor Goose Egg x1
∙ [Event] Star Pattern Flondor Goose Egg x1
∙ Flondor Goose Egg Table Decor x1
∙ Flondor Goose Egg Basket x1
∙ Flondor Goose Egg Chandelier x1
∙ Flondor Goose Egg Pot x1
03-29CONSOLEDOOM-ARDU-ANAT-T331∙ Capturing Rope x10
∙ Lump of Raw Sugar x5
03-28CONSOLEKONT-AGIO-USBD-AY28∙ Cron Stone x15
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
03-24NA/EULOON-YSTO-RMBI-GDAY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
03-22NA/EUBDOA-NDAD-VANC-EDGG∙ [Event] Finto’s Juice Box O’Plenty x1
∙ [Event] Energy Tonic (L) x3
03-22CONSOLEWILD-HORS-EDIN-E324∙ Capturing Rope x10
∙ Lump of Raw Sugar x5
03-17NA/EUSTPA-TRIC-KDAY-2024∙ Merv’s Palette (1 Day) x1
∙ Small Four-leaf Clover x1
∙ [Event] Cold Dark Beer x3
∙ Sour Green Grape Juice x5
03-16NA/EUBAIR-OGBD-ROUL-ETTE∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
03-11NA/EUVERD-ICTS-BIRT-HDAY∙ 1x Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ 1x Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ 5x Memory Fragment x5
∙ 15x Cron Stone x15
03-04NA/EUBD8T-HANN-IVER-SARY∙ Cron Stone x888
∙ Advice of Valks (+88) x1
∙ Mystical Artisan’s Memory Bundle x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x8
∙ [Event] Azure Dragon Wish Lantern x2
∙ [Event] Fistfuls of Fireworks Box x1
03-02CONSOLEEUYO-USHA-LLNO-TPAS∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x4
∙ Wish Lantern of Happiness x4
∙ Firecracker (4) x4
03-02CONSOLENAIT-SABA-RROW-ROLL∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x4
∙ Advice of Valks (+40) x4
∙ Mystical Artisan’s Memory Bundle x1
02-27NA/EUDAVI-NABD-AYDE-BUTE∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
∙ Advice of Valks (+80) x1
∙ Golden Sunset Supper Set x1
∙ [Event] Firecracker (One) x4
02-23NA/EUCAPT-URET-HEMO-MENT∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x4
∙ [Event] Choose Your Luxury Prop Box x1
∙ [Jukebox] Party in Florin x1
02-22NA/EUZETH-TURN-INGF-ORTY∙ Cron Stone x 15
∙ Memory Fragment x 5
∙ Item Increase Collection Scroll x1
∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
02-13NA/EU8YEA-RANN-IVER-SARY∙ Cron Stone x800
∙ Advice of Valks (+80) x1
∙ Golden Sunset Supper Set x1
02-09NA/EULUNA-RNEW-YEAR-2024∙ [Event] Sweet Sikhye x5
∙ [Event] Delicious Japchae x5
∙ Secret Book of Florin x5
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x5
∙ Advice of Valks (+80) x1
∙ Cron Stone x300
02-03NA/EUHBDC-HAMP-IONJ-ASON∙ Cron Stones x15
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll (60 min) x1
∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
02-02NA/EUENGE-LIBD-AYST-REAM∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
01-31NA/EU3333-3333-3333-3333∙ [Event] 3333-Day Earring x1
∙ Loyalties x3333
∙ [Event] Enhancement Help Kit III x1
∙ [Event] 3333-Year Wild Ginseng x1
01-22NA/EUJONL-AW98-BIRT-HDAY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
01-09NA/EUFAKE-UNIS-BIRT-HDAY∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
01-06NA/EUTEDD-YCEL-EBRA-TION∙ Wanderer’s Star x1
∙ Item Collection Increase Scroll x1
∙ Black Spirit’s Special Die Piece x15
∙ Memory Fragment x5
∙ Cron Stone x15
2024 ▪ Black Desert Online ▪ Pearl Abyss Corp.
Table of Contents

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