The Exodus Discord server has a few bots that help facilitate the moderation and social aspects of the community. Server members have the ability to use slash commands. If you do not know the commands for a specific bot, the basic option to start using commands for a bot would be to use the slash command. Using the slash command will bring up the application window where you can select the bot.
For an example, refer to the picture below:
On the left side of the menu are the bots. You can select the bot you wish to use and the command list will populate for you in the menu for that specific bot. This will only work for bots that use the slash command. Any bots that use a different prefix will not show in the list (i.e., Jockie Music).
The Exodus Bot is the primary bot used in the Exodus Discord server. This bot serves as a moderation tool, social/community games, and other resources that members might find helpful and fun.
Exodus Bot
Bot Commands—Check Your Rank, Achievements and Leaderboard!
Check your achievements.
Check the leaderboard.
Check your rank. Use !rank [@user] to check another member’s rank.
Bot Commands—Economy!
!buy [item]
Buy an item from the shop.
Receive daily eXcoins. Can do once every 24hrs.
!dice [coin amount]
Play the dice game.
!guess [coin amount]
Play the guessing game.
View the richest members on the server.
!rps [coin amount]
Play the Rock, Paper, Scissors game.
!roulette [coin amount]
Play the Russian Roulette game.
View items in the shop.
!use [item]
Use an item you have in your inventory.
Start working to make eXcoins.
!work claim
Receive eXcoins an hour after using !work.
Bot Commands—Birthday!
!remember-birthday [YYYY-MM-DD]
Add your birthday using year-month-day.
!remember-birthday [MM-DD]
Add your birthday using month-day.
Remove your birthday.
Soundcloud Bot
Set up admin roles for the bot.
/autoplay [option]
Toggle the autoplay function on/off.
Clear your queue.
Disconnect from the voice channel and clear your queue.
/discover [tag]
Add a genre #tag to this command to discover new music.
/feed [amount]
Add tracks or playlists to the queue that were recently reposted by people you follow on SoundCloud.
List all available commands.
/likes [amount]
Play your recently liked tracks.
/loop [mode]
Display or select the loop mode (off/queue/track).
/next up [input] [type]
Add a track to the top of the queue.
/now playing
Show details of the track you’re listening to.
Pause the track you’re listening to.
Display the bot’s current ping.
/play [input]
Add a search term to this command to add your results to the queue.
View and play your playlists.
View your track list to see what’s up next.
/remove [index]
Follow this command with a track number to remove that track from your queue.
Resume playing your paused track.
/search [input]
Search for tracks to add to your queue.
/seek [seconds]
Use positive (+) numbers to fast-forward or negative numbers (-) to rewind within the current track.
Toggle autoplay, autoplay will queue related tracks when there are no more tracks in the queue.
m!play [search term or URL]
Queue a track or playlist from a search term or url.
Queue your recently played tracks.
Search and play from a radio station.
m!resume session
Resume your most recent session which you were the owner of, resuming a session will make it go back to the exact state it was in before the bot left.
Makes me join your voice channel.
Makes me leave the voice channel, provide a time argument if you want to schedule me to automatically leave in the future, or give cancel to cancel an active scheduled leave.
Search for a track to play.
Insert a track right after the one that is currently playing.
Queue a track, after it has finished playing the bot will leave.
Select and queue a single track from a playlist by url, if the url is not a playlist this will be no different to play.
Queue a single track from a playlist by url, if the url is not a playlist this will be no different to play.
Reverse the current queue, the queue will start over by the default, if you want it to continue from the current song you can specify it in the argument.
Shuffle the queue.
Sort the queue, the queue will start over by the default, if you want it to continue from the current song you can specify it in the argument.
m!mass move
Move multiple tracks in the queue, you can use first, last and current as arguments. You can also add + or – with a following number after the arguments to get a relative track.
Move a track in the queue, you can use first, last and current as arguments. You can also add + or – with a following number after the arguments to get a relative track.
Swap the position of two tracks.
Order the queue by specified option.
Go to the next track in the upcoming queue if there are any left.
Go to the previous track in the queue if there are any.
Skip the current track, if you do not have permissions to instantly skip it a vote will start. If you want to force start a vote skip use the vote skip command.
m!skip to
Skip to the desired track in the queue, you can use last and first as arguments as well as a + or – infront of a number to skip to a relative track (from the current one).
m!vote skip
Vote to skip the current track, this will make you vote even if you have permissions to skip the track.
Restart the queue, start over from the first track.
m!repeat current
Repeat the current track.
m!repeat disable
Disable any repeating which is currently enabled.
m!repeat queue
Repeat the queue.
Rewind the current track, start it over.
m!remove after played
Tracks that have finished playing will automatically be removed from the queue.
Remove all the tracks from the queue.
m!mass remove
Remove multiple tracks from the queue.
Remove a track from the queue, you can use first, last and current as arguments. You can also add + or – with a following number after the arguments to get a relative track.
m!remove absent
Remove all tracks requested by a user which is no longer in the channel.
m!remove current
Remove the currently playing track from the queue.
m!remove duplicates
Remove all duplicate tracks from the queue.
m!remove keyword
Remove all the tracks in the queue containg the specified keyword, for instance if the keyword was see and you had a track titled See you again that track would be removed.
m!remove last
Remove the last track in the queue, can be used as an undo command.
m!remove range
Remove a range of tracks from the queue, you can use first, last and current as arguments. You can also add + or – with a following number after the arguments to get a relative track.